COVID-19 Jobsite Checklist
COVID-19 Jobsite Checklist
COVID-19 Jobsite Policy
Is there a COVID-19 policy in writing?
- Yes
- No
- Other ________________________________________
If there is a written policy, where is it located? (Check all that apply)
- Break room
- GC trailer
- Company website
- Other ________________________________________
Who is the contact for the COVID-19 policy? (title/contractor/subcontractor) ______________________________________________________________________
How is COVID-19 policy made available to workers?
- Posted in visible location(s)
- On company website
- Through regular in-person trainings
- Other ________________________________________
Is COVID-19 training provided?
- Yes
- No
- Other ________________________________________
Who is COVID-19 training provided to? (Check all that apply)
- General Contractor
- Subcontractors
- Workers in all trades
- Other ________________________________________
What COVID-19 topics are covered in the training? (Check all that apply)
- Covering coughs and sneezes
- What to do if symptomatic
- What PPE is required
- Whom to report social distancing issues to
- Hazard mitigation
- Location of PPE and hand sanitizer
- Other ________________________________________
If training is provided, how is it delivered? (Check all that apply)
- On company website
- In person toolbox talks with appropriate social distancing
- Written handout
- Other _______________________________________
What is the procedure for monitoring CDC guidelines and updating the jobsite policy? (Check all that apply)
- Safety Officer(s)/Representative(s) monitors daily
- Contractor(s) monitor daily
- Training revised regularly
- Other _______________________________________
How is social distance maintained during trainings and other meetings? (Check all that apply)
- Stagger workers attending
- Limit the number of workers participating at one time
- Sign-in sheets are not passed around
- Other _______________________________________
How is social distance maintained during work activities? (Check all that apply)
- Stagger workers and trades working in the same work areas
- Limit the number of workers in each work area
- Other _______________________________________
How is communication and training on COVID-19 safety conducted with subcontractor foremen and project managers? (Check all that apply)
- In person
- Handouts
- Website
- Other _______________________________________
What is the policy and procedure if someone is exposed to COVID-19? (i.e. How long are workers required to stay home? How are workers identified who may have been exposed?)
- Jobsite has an explicit policy ensuring workers do not feel pressured to come to work if ill
- Workers feeling ill are sent home immediately with respect, dignity, and confidentiality
- Work areas are immediately cleaned and disinfected if a worker is ill
- Workers who are ill are required to stay home until safe to return to work, based on CDC guidelines
- Workers who worked in close proximity and may have been exposed are identified and sent home
- Other _______________________________________
Is there a COVID-19 Incident Log (to track near misses, potential exposures)?
- Yes
- No
- Other ________________________________________
Are safety data sheets of all disinfectant tools and supplies maintained on site?
- Yes
- No
- Other ________________________________________
Are COVID-19 related PPE and supplies provided by the employer? (Check all that apply, please note this is not officially required to be provided by the employer, but if/when it is we can record these positive steps)
- Face masks
- Face shields
- Respirators
- Eye protection
- Disposable gloves (i.e. for changing trash and cleaning break/lunchrooms, offices/trailers)
- Tissues
- Hand sanitizer
- Other ________________________________________
Are there designated Social Distancing Officers/Representatives?
- Yes
- No
- Other ________________________________________
What are the roles of the Social Distancing Officers/Representatives? (Check all that apply)
- Monitor CDC guidelines daily
- Monitor jobsite to ensure at least 6 feet distance is maintained
- Monitor workers for signs of illness
- Take workers’ temperatures
- Monitor hand washing and sanitizer supplies
- Monitor cleaning and disinfecting procedures
- Other ________________________________________
Optional additional notes on this section:
COVID-19 Exposure Prevention
How are you ensuring the break and lunch area has fewer than 10 people and that workers can maintain social distance of at least 6 feet? (Check all that apply)
- Breaks and lunches are staggered
- Clear signage in break/lunchrooms
- Other ________________________________________
Have you completed a jobsite assessment for tasks that could require workers to be closer together than 6 feet?
- Yes
- No
- Other ________________________________________
Have you assessed each individual jobsite task that requires close proximity of workers within 6 feet to determine if any engineering controls could be used to eliminate exposures and/or maintain social distancing?
- Yes
- No
- Other ________________________________________
What strategies have been implemented for tasks that usually require workers to be closer than 6 feet?
What foot traffic controls and procedures have been implemented? (i.e. narrow passage, scaffolding, elevators, entry/exit points)
What is the procedure for regular sanitization of surfaces, tools, and materials that are touched frequently? (Check all that apply)
- Tools and high-touch surfaces are cleaned and sanitized multiple times/day
- Break/lunchrooms, offices/trailers, bathrooms are cleaned and sanitized multiple times/day
- Sanitizing wipes are readily available near all high-touch surfaces
- Designated representatives monitor regular cleaning and sanitizing
- Other ________________________________________
Is carpooling discouraged?
- Yes
- No
- Other ________________________________________